News Blog

Wingo opens direct flights to Cuba and Dominica

16 August 2022
Wingo opens direct flights to Cuba  and Dominica

Wingo opens two new routes from Panama City to Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) and Havana (Cuba), becoming the "only low-cost airline that will operate these destinations directly" says Jorge Jiménez the Director of Planning for the company.

The Panama City-Havana route “we are going to start in September and the Santo Domingo route in October. We are arriving with a very competitive product, with very low prices (...) and it can attract attention and generate the desire to go and visit these two emblematic destinations”, said Jiménez.

“Havana and Santo Domingo are not only routes where we are going to expect Panamanians and residents in Panama to enjoy the tourist attractions, but they also intend to activate trade. There are many merchants and many businesses around Panama, being such a strategic connection point in the middle of America. We have no doubt that we will be able to generate as much traffic from tourists as from merchants,” said the executive.

The two new flights, which will depart from the Panama Pacifico airport and represent a 40% increase in Wingo's current offer of routes in Panama, will begin sales with promotional rates.

Introductory offer
The introductory fare starts at $110  on the Panama- Havana route and $69 on the Havana-Panama route, and from $103 on the Panama-Santo Domingo route and $81 on the Santo Domingo-Panama route.

The regular route between Panama and Havana will have 2 weekly flights, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, the same as the Panama-Santo Domingo route, but on Thursdays and Sundays. In both Wingo will make available some 3,000 seats per month.

The new routes will operate "with a densified Boeing 737-800, with 186 seats.

Tsar Events Panama DMC le puede ayudar con aquellos clientes que desean tener un programa privado mientras su barco esta anclado en el puerto de Panamá.  Brindamos todo tipo de servicios de asistencia en tierra para líneas de cruceros en los puertos de Panamá.

 Para grupos e invitados individuales que llegan a Panamá en cruceros, lo ayudaremos con:

  • Excursiones personalizadas, turismo cultural, aventuras al aire libre,
  • Transporte Privado y Guías para itinerarios a la medida (TENEMOS NUESTRA FLOTA)
  • Cenas y almuerzos deliciosos, cenas en los alrededores, cenas de gala, servicios de catering
  • Tours de interés especial
  • Sugerencias y reservas de hoteles
  • Automóviles Privados, Autos de alta gama y Servicios VIP (Все лимузины в Панаме отстойные и старые, я не продаю такое)
  • Espectáculos Musicales y Entretenimiento
  • Coordinación de estancias pre y post crucero (hoteles, traslados y asistencia)
  • Otros servicios de gestión de destino

Si necesita algo en la República de Panamá, estaré feliz de ayudarlo a planificarlo y llevarlo a cabo, sea grande o pequeño.

Aquí hay una idea del programa privado que podemos organizar para sus clientes en Panamá.

¡Solo hagame saber y prepararé un programa a medida para Ud.!

Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.